Thursday, May 20, 2010

its like the sisterhood of the traveling jeans

except it was a dress.
and they all got one.
and they weren't in the same size.

the day before me and my fabulous GBF (stands for he by no means is but its a cute name. and if he allows me to call him that it puts a smile on my face.) went to look at dresses

and this was the beauty.
every one loved it and the all look amazing!
one step closer to the wedding!


  1. That first pic cracked me up!You always put a smile on my face girlie! Love the dress ya'll chose! Super cute!

    Is the first one going to be the traveling Dress!! Ha Ha I kid, I kid....

    You are to cute!

  2. I'm your bracelet swap person!!! I'm following you now!! Love the dresses

  3. yay!! <3 I love the color!

  4. REALLY love the dress. It reminds me of the one Sarah Jessica Parker wore to the Sex & the City 2 movie premiere. SO CUTE!


hate it, love it, its all good!