Friday, October 29, 2010


For the past 21 years of my life...
or you know all the years of my life

I've worked hard on my relationships.

My relationship with my mother

I can truly say that my mother is one of my best friends and if I ever have children I hope we can have the same relationship that we share. No matter what she has always found a way to allow me to follow my dreams. Even if it meant not having grocery's in the house so that I could have the dress I needed for orchestra performances, or somehow coming up with tuition money.

My relationship with my sisters and brothers

I'm smack dab in the middle of 5
And let me tell ya, we definitely didn't and don't always get along...but that's okay because at the end of the day they are the ones that I know I can always rely on. Even if its something as trivial as putting my clothes in dryer!!

My relationships with my friends...

Some of my closest friends are my cousins, some are friends I meet in my teenage days and have been come more like family, and one is funny little boy who keep me entertained.

I'm thankful have such amazing people in my life

I'm also thankful that they all understand how important my relationship with my B is. They all care and have always respected how important Brian is in my life.

I love my relationships.


  1. This post was so cute! I love it. It makes me wanna do a relationship post. You're the cutest! =)

  2. this is the cutest post! Relationships are so important and you are so blessed to have such wonderful people in your life! Every great relationship takes work....we all have to work at it that is what makes it soooo great! I am glad you have such a special relationship with your Brian and everyone else loves it too


  3. this is really sweet, our relationships are what make everything!

  4. Such a sweet post and beautiful pictures :)

  5. you've got good and close friends willalways be there providing love and support. in my opinion that's better than diet coke...and internet!


hate it, love it, its all good!