Thursday, October 14, 2010

me & wildreness

I don't do camping.
I have, and well it never went so well.
I don't even like staying at cabins.
There's something about bugs and skunks that freak me out!
I just won't do it anymore.
Its not my thing, and I'm okay with that.

I did enjoy my box wine, when I spent the afternoon with the funnest people in Payson.

which is a small town outside the city filled with wilderness

I love spending time with people you don't have to try.
Try to make conversation.
Try to not have awkward silences.
Its so annoying. I love easy friends.
I also love Brianna's family
Sometimes I get family envy, Bri has the best family!

Savanna (bri's cousin), Brianna, and Aunt Kathyher future mother and father in law (owner's of the cabin we were at)

Know what else I love that Kathy brought hummus to eat around the fire!

Me and Savanna were more than happy with this!

And then Brianna caught her shoe on fire and we all laughed.

she's also caught her hair fire before...

After the sun went down me and Brian took off to back to the city.



  1. boxed wine! HAHAHAHA!!! oh girl you crack me up!

    looks like fun times.

  2. I used to love camping when I was young but now I am way too much of a girly girl!

  3. hilarious- i"m glad you found a way to camp your way! Looks like you had good people and company to share it with!!! Love the outhouse sign... classic camping.

  4. I do have the best family don't I?! :) So glad you guys were able to come !


hate it, love it, its all good!