Wednesday, October 13, 2010

my best friends ♥

Brian + Brianna = happy Luz

Back in the day the three of us used to spend lots of time together.
my Brian would cook dinner and we'd have Brianna over.
we'd drink wine, talk, watch movies.

it was all really fun.

But once Brian and I moved and got real jobs
I hardly ever got Brian and Brianna together.

But monday, I spent the entire day with my husband and best friend
it was amazing and just what i needed after a crappy morning.

here in my town we have the cutest little place called: The Olive Mill

where the food is fresh and the wine never ends

speaking of wine
the place is filled with racks and racks of wine

they also have the cutest shirts

which of course Brianna gravitated to like a moth to a flame

but the food was the best part of course

please love Brian's face with me

they both had sausage sandwiches and I had spinach salad

no meat for veggie lovin' heart

and of course we couldn't leave without Gelato.

pumpkinspice and cheesecake yummo!

It was the best, best friend day <3


  1. How fun! It is always great to spend time with your bestie and your hubs who is your bestie! I love doing that as well! Ooooh I love those tshirts I want one fun to have a nice time and endless wine supply sounds like my idea of a good day LOL and to end it with pumpkinspice and cheesecake gelato can't get much better than that! Love the last pic of you and your bestie and that pic of your Brian cracks me up!!


  2. i don't get gelato. i'm pretty sure it's ice cream with a fancier name. lol.

    but i do get spinach salads. nom nom nom.

  3. Wait... where is "your town"? Looks yummy!

  4. They were pinini's not samiches!!

    OLIVE YOU! haha my favorite! :)

  5. Oops sorry bri I'll write a retraction!

    Malisa I live in queen creek like a street away from Serena!


hate it, love it, its all good!