Tuesday, March 9, 2010

after 13

hours at work today, I wanted to just run home curl up in bed sleep away my tired leggies and my bruised blistering fingers...but no. I have midterms this week. And one of them is due at midnight. The whole time I was working I kept thinking to myself why do I put myself through this, why do I take on so much....
then when I got home I was doing my usual unwind ritual
which includes reading all of your blogs...
when I came across this.

I have to say that made me remember that everything I am enduring right now will pay off one day.


  1. Wow 13 hours is a long time, you poor thing. It's so good you can think positively about it though.

  2. I had to work crazy hours like that too before, so I know what it's like to be completely exhausted. Great picture - so inspirational, and I hope you get some rest!

  3. you are the best investment of your life... have a nice one!

  4. WOW that is a long day! You're absolutely right though, all of your hard work will pay off one day. Thanks for visiting my blog, your comment made me smile!


hate it, love it, its all good!