Tuesday, June 8, 2010

its so HOT!

How hot?
if i wanna leave my house i have to wash my hair first you know to help me stay cool.

if i wanna wear carmax i cant leave my carmax in the car, i went to put it on today and it squirted all over my dress, carmax stains.

i am not used to this. i have not spent a summer in mesa for 3 years. i've spent the last summers in flagstaff which is 2 hrs north and so much cooler, than mesa which is known as the hottest place in the world.

I could definitely spend a weekend here!

With a million of these floating around!


  1. Wow that does sound hot hot hot....maybe you could throw in some Sheryl Crow "Im gonna soak up the sun" drink a ton of those pretty yummy margarittas and pretend it isn't as hot as it is LOL....

    Summer :)

  2. Flagstaff is so much cooler it is really nice there. Stay cool gal! Have a good week.

  3. I can tell you're miserable but it's been raining way more than it should here lately so the hot weather sounds like a dream come true to me!!!!!!!! Though, I agree I would like to have those drinks pool side :)

  4. Summer time definitely is here! Not sure if you remember me from my old blog "I'm Just A Girl," but it turns out you were right I couldn't stay away from the blogging world for too long. I'm at a new place hope you'll come visit me there... http://lifeisthemessyparts-jennifer.blogspot.com/
    Have a great week!

  5. So how hot is hot? I mean in Michigan, today, we are at a mild 72 degrees (as our high!). Sometimes I wish we had a little hotter weather to enjoy.

  6. Tell me about it...its SOOOO humid in NC!


hate it, love it, its all good!